Resources to keep learning about the Church and Justice

Division and argument continue on social media over the topics of race and systemic oppression. Sadly, this division and heated debate continues in the Church as well. At the same time, it has been an incredible answer to prayer to see God moving through the chaos.

While there are riots, peaceful protesters being attacked, and continuing resentment from political teams, there is also the Holy Spirit shining in the darkness. Revival has broken out in downtown Minneapolis. Reports of forgiveness, confession, repentance, divine healing, and baptisms are consistent. Black and White Christians are seeking racial reconciliation and unity. These stories and video clips are not being shown on the news, but the Lord is hearing the Church’s prayers and laments. The more stories and clips I see of the global Church coming together in lament and love the more I realize how incredible God’s grace and work is.

Outside of the revival, despite defensiveness from many Christians on these topics, there has also been more humble openness to learn in different ministry circles and congregations. More and more White Evangelicals are realizing they can’t dismiss Black death after Black death with simple excuses. The cries of our Black brothers and sisters in the Church are finally being heard by many and not ignored. Again, there is sadly still many who are not listening, but I want to focus on the good that is being done so that we don’t lose heart.

But as the year continues, it is slowly becoming more “normal” for many of us to just move on with our own schedules. It’s not quite as trendy anymore to change your profile picture, or share quotes from Black activists. But frankly, there is no “getting back to normal” for the Floyd’s, the Taylor’s, the Arbery’s, and the many other loved ones of the victims.

This is now the time to keep pressing into justice for our Black brothers and sisters, when it is no longer convenient or popular. As the Body of Christ we must stay ambitious to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. Let us who haven’t understood or seen these injustices continue to listen and learn from our brothers and sisters, and be more united in Christ.

So for anyone who is interested and wants to keep learning, but does not know where to start, my first piece of advice is to listen and ask questions to those around you with different racial backgrounds and culture. Be humble and willing to have your political and social bias challenged. As Christians, it is not about what the “right” political party is, it is about where the Spirit of the Lord is, who if far bigger than any political/social structure.

It can also be helpful to read from those in the Church who have experience and great wisdom on the subjects of racism, justice, and intercultural Christianity. So I’ll share some books that I read while studying at Crown that God used to open my eyes to these realities I never knew existed. I’ll also share links to some really insightful podcasts. All of these books/podcasts are by Christians, and all use sound theology and Biblical references to illustrate their points.

1. One Blood: Parting Words to the Church on Race and Love- John Perkins


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