
Worshiping at Crown

Photo by Tanner Charles Schaaf

“I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” -John 13:34-35 (CSB)

My name is Micah Petersen, thank you for taking time to visit my blog. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and have a passion for fellowship, discipleship, and Bible study. I enjoy reading and discussing theology and Church history. I particularly enjoy studying and discussing 2nd to 3rd century Christianity, and seek to follow Christ humbly, faithfully, and honestly.

I graduated from Crown College with a B.S. in Youth and Social Ministry. While studying at Crown, God gave me a passion for studying early Christianity. I began reading and discussing the early Christian Fathers with fellow students, and we learned together what rich wisdom and insight can be gained from them.

I am currently a Campus Life Director at Youth for Christ. In addition to youth ministry, I continue to study early Christianity for fun. As a Protestant, I hope we can continue to look back in Church history to more accurately understand the Scriptures and move forward as Christ’s Bride in the way we are called to. I also hope to retrieve wisdom and stories from Church history into youth ministry, giving the next generation more insight into the Christian faith.